Oh, my gog. I'm about to geek out over this. I never give things 10s, but I like this. A lot.
This is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to make following the EOA. I tried making fanart of all the kids in God Tier, and hated how it was coming along, so I scrapped it. You, however, have done an excellent job with it! This is lovely. My favorite aspect is how the symbols for Light and Time are appearing on Rose and Dave's chests, and how their new clothes are enveloping the Derse dream self clothing. Very cool effects. The level of detail is impressive, as well, one detail that stood out to me being that Jade's knee creates a bulge in the dress, which I quite like considering you could easily bullshit that away in a flowing dress like that.
There is one little flaw that occurred to me in this piece, and that's the lighting. Your ability to lay out shades is good, but where the light source is here is kind of confusing me. The most obvious idea would be that it's the green sun (which, ideally, would probably be casting a green glow on all the kids), but there seems to be light hitting them from a variety of different directions (underneath Jade's feet, in front of Dave's hands, underneath Rose, etc). This is a really minor issue considering it only really occurred to me upon close inspection and the piece isn't really meant to depict a believable setting. Otherwise, this is great. I love it. Good fanart. Keep it up!