
55 Art Reviews w/ Response

All 92 Reviews

Not quite.

What you have here is a very flawed piece, weighed down by some notable issues.
Firstly, there's the background. You have a lot of blank space above the subject, and the scenery just feels incomplete. There are three trees in the background, but that's really it. None behind them, none spreading out around the landscape, just those three trees, sitting awkwardly. The sky is atrocious; an unwritten rule in digital art is that, with some minor exceptions, gradients are taboo. They are ugly and they feel unnatural.
Moving away from the background and onto the subject, I find it very odd how Chucky's face is ridiculously more detailed than anything else in the image. It just doesn't fit at all with how toony the rest of the image is, especially considering how simple the face of the walking man is. There's nothing wrong with cartoons, but oftentimes if the whole piece doesn't have a generally consistent level of reality to it, the whole aesthetic is thrown off. Continuing on the matter of the subject, I find the legs to be bothersome. They're completely out of perspective; the backmost leg feels to be going out to the left rather than behind the man. Lastly, his clothes are so drab and void of detail. They have no wrinkles in them, for instance, and they're both pretty much static colors.
The piece has a lot of potential, which is worth pointing out. You seem to have put in an honest effort, Chucky's face (while ruining the rest of the piece for me) looks good, and you have some decent stylistic elements running with your tooniness. I can see a decent amount of skill, it just needs refining.
I don't have a real idea of where your problems lie, but it seems to me that you need to work on your backgrounds and involving the subject with them. The composition should really lend itself to feeling more complete; ie: less blank space. I'd advise you to avoid gradients in the near future.
I'm sorry for the mostly negative review, but I hope it helps you out some. Good luck, and keep on working at it.

Rovertarthead responds:

Well ok yea i see some of your points. And i was actually going to put more trees in there but i thought it allready looked ok just like that. But yea i should have made more trees. But for one thing Chucky's face could be really detailed even in a cartoon if you'd like and so thats what i wanted to do. Thats the best thing about him. His face expressions with lots of detail. I know it might look kinda random with a real character like him with a cartoon character like me but i think it looks ok. But i guess you right about the background sky and the tree and cloths detail. I guess i got lazy on those parts. But other than that my drawings done. Oh and Chucky's legs are supposed to be all floppy like. Casue his legs are kinda lose when he's holding onto the person like that. Remember? But yea just for you i'll probably go back and draw in a few more things for ya ;) Thank you for the info and the 6.


This is so wonderfully gorgeous, it just became possibly my favorite piece in the portal. I don't usually comment on things just to sing their praise, but I felt compelled to do so with this.
There are so many things I love about it; her expression, namely, and the style. The vector style isn't necessarily new (though it's still a great style, and you do a decent job making it your own), but it's so masterfully done here. The shading, lighting, and the colors are all beautiful. The fluidity of the character, her position, and her anatomy all give it such an outlandish, whimsical feel. It's great. Her expression is so calm and warm that it just completes the whole piece.
The only problems are that her leg's position (above her head) looks just a tad awkward, and it can be a little difficult to make out exactly what one is looking at in the picture. The tendrils of smoke/mist/whatever are also a bit simple and awkwardly placed in relation to the rest of the drawing. Most of these flaws are minute and can be ignored, though, because this piece is simply gorgeous.
I can really see myself becoming a fan of your work in the future. It's amazing stuff. Keep posting, please!

DarkBlueFlannel responds:

I'm not one to fall back on easy excuses. You are 100% correct about my errors. The smoke/mist is very poorly rendered. Yes, it was an afterthought, at the time. Anyway, I've always wondered whether the leg was good enough, as well. The intent is to look as though it is bending behind her and then, at the knee bending so that the rest of the leg and foot is pointing more towards the viewer. However, I don't think I exaggerated the foreshortening enough to get that across. Of course, I'm not likely to go back to it now but I will try to be more fastidious, in future.

Thank you for the critique, sir.


That's fucking adorable. It's pretty well done, too. The colors are good, the sky looks good, and the character is really well done. The shading and the painting looks wonderful.
It does have some little flaws, though. First one is the tail. That has a bit of a phallic appearance. I'm shocked there hasn't been some idiot posting about how that looks. Maybe I'm just in an unusually dirty mindset (I'm not usually that perverted of a person), but I think you could have chose a better place have the tail coming out.
Second is the grass. Some areas of the grass are a solid shade of green that throws the appearance of the grass off and makes it look a little strange.
Overall, these are pretty small gripes and some might not even think of them as problems. Great work. It's so fucking adorable.

kashidoodles responds:

XD Thank you so much.

And yeah, I didn't notice the grass before. o.o; As for the tail... XD Eh, anyone who knows Mew knows it's the tail so, I'm not too worried about that.


I don't usually review something unless I feel like I've got something constructive to say. Accordingly, I don't usually give out 10s. However, this is just so fucking cute, bright, and happy, I felt like I had to give it a review.
The background looks great; it fits the character and adds atmosphere, despite being really simple. The character's design is really great, it's like a rave-circus theme, and she looks so ridiculously ecstatic that it makes me smile too. I love the color scheme, especially on her clothes. The decorations (namely around the skirt) are really cool, and she's so detailed for your simple little style.
My favorite piece by you thus far. Keep it up, you've got so much style. I love it.

PixelCake responds:

Thank you so much :)
It was great that you joined in on the livestream too, greatly appreciate it!


You created a character that's extremely flawed. The only thing she's got going for her is good fashion sense, I suppose. Shame. It always seems to mean to me when people create characters that don't seem to have anything going for them.
Anyways, the drawing is extremely cute. My favorite part is her legs, which are very well done. You have a great colour palette running here.
Some issues I have with the piece, however, lie in the background. I like how you went for the colorful stripey background, but I think you should have faded out the Sentrets that pattern it and made them look more like a pattern (the left corners really feel like they should have some Sentrets). As it stands, they look like they're more a part of the subject than the background, and as a result create a cluttered, confused feel in the piece.
As well, the lines on her ears and the Sentrets in the background are pretty messy, and her boots aren't of the same size.
Overall, though, it's a nice piece. It's extremely cute.

Lomps responds:

Thanks, and I really appreciate the review.
And is there any way I could have patterned it?
I don't mean to make excuses...but I did this all by hand in the middle of the night, and I'm still coming out of a cold lol A lot of these horrendous mistakes are obvious to me lol

I realize she's extremely flawed, but that's her charm amongst all the super-beefed Mary-Sue's and God-mod characters.
It isn't a shame, really.
Just realistic.
But I'm still really thankful for your input <3

You fools.

Read the damned description. This is commissioned work. The artist was PAID to draw this for the cover of something. Rating it down because it features someone you don't like is the act of an idiot.
Reviews are to rate and tell what was done wrong and how the artist can improve. You can't really tell someone to stop drawing what they want to draw, and you especially can't tell someone to stop drawing something they're getting paid for. Reviews aren't for content so much as for execution. And frankly? This is excellent work. It's an excellent representation of him that's very realistic looking, detailed, well-painted, and even still keeps some amount of stylization. The color scheme is great and the added effects are awesome as well. My only problem with it would be the amount of blank space near the top, but, since this is a cover of something, I would assume that's where the title will go.
Keep it up, sir.

Bullsik responds:

Thank you VERY much for saying this.
Yes, there's a blank space left for the title.
I'm not a fan of this guy - but my job is to draw it the best I can. I got paid for it because it's my profession. I always caption my art with short information. When it's commissioned then I say it's commissioned. And when it's just me drawing what I want, then I write whatever I want underneath.

This picture is inspired by the cover of "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This book is quite known in Europe and probably remains unknown to the rest of the world. But I thought its theme goes somehow works with Bieber.


The guy below me is a pig-head. This space is intended for good comments and critique, not masturbatory idiocy.
Right. About the piece:
It's actually very good. The lineart is great, using simplicity to portray a beautiful image. You have a great palette choice here, very warm and cohesive. I have a love/hate relationship with how the background only takes up a portion of the image as a whole. On the good side, it gives the effect that she's coming out of the image, which is a neat effect. On the bad side, for that effect to work, her head would have to be the only part of her coming out of the background, with her legs inside the image. Her right knee peeks out of the image, shattering the effect and giving her the appearance of being pasted onto the background image rather than being involved with it. I don't even know if you intended her to look like she's coming from the background, but that's the effect given here (and a good one at that), and it's ruined by a tiny little flaw there.
The background itself isn't anything special. It feels just a little lazy, but it doesn't detract from the piece too much, since the girl is the main subject.
Anyways, keep it up, hope this comment helps in some way.
Good work!

gusana responds:

thanks! great critique, I can´t change anything about cause it´s a quick aold drawings i made, so i don't have the flash file anymore, but thanks for the comment I will think about it next time a make a drawing like this n_n


This is just gorgeous. I couldn't ask for anything more from the owl, which just stands out as beautiful. The face is the best part of the entire piece, but I also really like the scarf that it wears, and how it kind of fades and shreds as it moves away from the owl.
The branch has a flat art style, one that's different from the owl, which isn't too bad except for the fact that it makes the owl look detached from the branch, because it doesn't have the same depth as the owl. It just feels like background, which it shouldn't, because it's in the foreground along with the owl.
This is amazingly pretty. Keep it up.

Slow-Action responds:

Thank you very much. <3

Rating is wrong.

You can change the rating down from A. The "Adult" rating is really only for images that depict genitalia, gore, or extremely sexual images.
This is a figure image that actually doesn't show any naughty bits. Not offensive at all! And it does matter what the rating is, since the art portal has "A" rated images hidden by default, so many people might not see this, and a lot of other people expect "A" images to be porn, so people who come in here might get upset that it isn't sexy and rate it down. That's probably why it has a low rating as is.
Anyways, on to the painting. For something you painted in 5 minutes, this is actually very impressive. The colors used give it such a pop and are quite pleasing, and the lighting is rather good for a speed paint, and I like the few little areas that have hatching. I think that it could have been a far more refined work, though, had you spent just 5 or 10 more minutes on it, with a slightly neater outcome.
It's a good painting nonetheless, and impressive for the short time spent making it.

Zalrohg responds:

yeah i was covering my bases with the rating :/

Juno was mad, he knew he'd been had, so he shot at the sun with a gun. He shot at the sun with a gun; he shot at his wily one, only friend.

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